
It’s Monday again!  “yeah,” you say, with as little enthusiasm as you can muster. But hey, it doesn’t have to be that kind of Monday. It can be a joyful Monday…a productive Monday…A Monday to end all Mondays!

Let’s make today a Super Monday, beginning with a FIVE MINUTE exercise.


Today, let’s spend FIVE MINUTES on us, creating an Action Plan that we can refer to for the rest of the week.

What would you like to accomplish this week, beyond what NEEDS to get done?

What would make you feel fulfilled, purposeful, or accomplished, if at the end of the week you had done that thing?!

What have you been putting off?

What have you dreamed about beginning?

What new habit could you begin to practice this week?

Let’s make a plan to get ‘er done, an Action Plan.

For the next FIVE MINUTES rest from your other work and let you mind run free.  What needs to be a part of your life this week in order for you to feel that special feeling you’ve been missing for a while now?  Enter that on your Action Plan paper or screen.

It’s only FIVE MINUTES.  FIVE simple, meaningful, purposeful minutes.

What will you do with your FIVE today?